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Workshop 1

Quick Data Insights for FabLab

Duration: 2 hours

Participants: 10-15 FabLab users (makers, hobbyists, engineers, and students)

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Python programming and an understanding of NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

Objective: This workshop aims to provide participants with a quick, hands-on experience in applying AI data skills to analyze and visualize data generated from FabLab equipment and projects.


Introduction and Setup (15 minutes)

  • Brief overview of the workshop and objectives
  • Introduction to FabLab environment and typical data sources (3D printers, CNC machines, IoT devices)
  • Setting up the working environment (Jupyter notebooks, necessary libraries)

Session 1: Data Collection and Preparation (30 minutes)

  • Introduction to data collection methods from various FabLab equipment
    • Collecting sample data (provided) from IoT sensors and 3D printers
  • Using Pandas to load and inspect data
    • Reading data from CSV files
    • Basic data cleaning and preparation (handling missing values, filtering)

    import pandas as pd

    # Load sample data
    data = pd.read_csv('sample_fablab_data.csv')

    # Inspect data

    # Clean data (example: fill missing values)
    data.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)

Session 2: Data Analysis with Pandas and NumPy (30 minutes)

  • Using NumPy and Pandas for basic data analysis
    • Calculating summary statistics
    • Analyzing time-series data
  • Hands-on activity: Participants will analyze the provided data to extract meaningful insights

    import numpy as np

    # Summary statistics

    # Analyzing time-series data
    time_series = data['usage_time']

Break (10 minutes)

Session 3: Data Visualization with Matplotlib (30 minutes)

  • Introduction to data visualization with Matplotlib
    • Creating simple plots (line plot, bar chart)
    • Customizing plots (labels, titles, legends)
  • Hands-on activity: Participants will create visualizations for their analyzed data

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Line plot
    plt.plot(data['timestamp'], data['usage_time'])
    plt.ylabel('Usage Time')
    plt.title('Usage Time Over Time')

    # Bar chart['device'], data['usage_time'])
    plt.ylabel('Usage Time')
    plt.title('Usage Time by Device')

Wrap-Up and Q&A (15 minutes)

  • Summary of key takeaways
  • Q&A session
  • Providing additional resources for further learning

Materials Needed:

  • Computers with Python, NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib installed
  • Sample datasets for demonstration (pre-collected data from IoT sensors and 3D printers)


Participants will gain a quick and practical understanding of how to collect, analyze, and visualize data within a FabLab environment. They will learn how to apply AI data skills to extract insights and improve their projects, fostering a data-driven approach to innovation.

Creado con eXeLearning (Ventana nueva)