Saltar la navegación Session: Introduction to Writing Data on Blockchain

30 min


Empathize phase

Problem Statement: Alice wants to write data to the blockchain by initiating a token swap on Uniswap. She needs to understand the process of sending transactions to the blockchain, how to ensure the data is correctly sent, and the costs involved in making the transaction.

Guiding Questions for Students:

  • Why is writing data to the blockchain different from reading data?
  • What factors (such as gas fees) should Alice consider when sending a transaction?
  • How can Alice confirm that her transaction was successful and accurate?

Define phase

  • Discussion: Students discuss different methods and requirements for sending data to the blockchain programmatically, focusing on Web3.js and Ethers.js for transactions.
  • Tools Overview:
    • Web3.js and Ethers.js: Reintroduce these libraries, emphasizing functions for sending transactions and modifying blockchain states.
    • Gas Fees: Explain gas fees and their role in ensuring transaction priority and completion.
  • Identify Steps:
    • Outline the steps to write data, including setting up wallet permissions, configuring gas fees, and preparing transaction details.

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