Pregunta de Selección Múltiple Pregunta What components are essential for the interaction between Raspberry Pi and a smart contract? (Select all that apply) Respuestas Opción 1 ABI (Application Binary Interface) Opción 2 Account private key and address Opción 3 Address of the smart contract Opción 4 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) provider Retroalimentación Solución Correcto Correcto Correcto Correcto Pregunta What are possible ways of observing the change in the smart contract state? (Select all that apply) Respuestas Opción 1 Polling the blockchain node for updates Opción 2 Utilizing events emitted by the smart contract Opción 3 Directly modifying the smart contract's state variables Opción 4 Querying the smart contract's internal database Retroalimentación Solución Correcto Correcto Incorrecto Incorrecto Pregunta What is the basic scenario outlined in the course? (Select all that apply) Respuestas Opción 1 Monitoring the temperature of the 3D printer's extruder Opción 2 Automating the firmware update process for the 3D printer Opción 3 Generating invoices for completed print jobs Opción 4 Printing a predefined object upon user request Retroalimentación Solución Incorrecto Incorrecto Incorrecto Correcto Pregunta How are user-defined behaviors incorporated into the system described in the course?? (Select all that apply) Respuestas Opción 1 Through direct adjustments to the 3D printer's hardware settings. Opción 2 By configuring parameters within a separate program or process dedicated to handling user-defined behaviors. Opción 3 By installing additional software on the Raspberry Pi to manage user interactions. Opción 4 Through manual interventions during the printing process via the OctoPrint web interface. Retroalimentación Solución Incorrecto Correcto Incorrecto Incorrecto Pregunta What is the purpose of conducting a complete end-to-end test in this module? (Select all that apply) Respuestas Opción 1 To verify the correctness of the hardhat node configuration Opción 2 To ensure alignment with initial design goals, from blockchain transactions to physical printing Opción 3 To debug issues related to the project folder structure Opción 4 To assess the performance of the Raspberry Pi's hardware components Retroalimentación Solución Incorrecto Correcto Incorrecto Incorrecto