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UNIT 1: Digital Innovation & DIY Design Thinking


In this Unit,  you will get a comprehensive exploration of digital innovation. We begin with an introduction to its core concepts, setting the stage for understanding its transformative power. We then delve into how digital transformation reshapes business strategy, exploring how organizations can leverage technology for competitive advantage. Moving beyond individual businesses, we examine the dynamic ecosystems of innovation, understanding how collaboration and partnerships drive progress. We'll also explore design thinking and user experience, crucial for creating human-centered digital solutions. Finally, we address the critical ethical and sustainability considerations that must guide responsible digital innovation. This Unit equips you to navigate the complexities and opportunities of the digital age.


  • Module 1-  Introduction to digital innovation
  • Module 2 - Digital transformation and business strategy
  • Module 3 - Ecosystems of Innovation
  • Module 4 - Design thinking e user experience
  • Module 5 - Ethics and Sustainability in Digital Innovation

Presentation Time & Topics for each module

  • Introduction (5')
    • Speaker and topic introduction
    • Presentation objectives
  • Presentation (10')
    • Topic development with visual aids
    • In-depth analysis and case studies
  • Interaction (10')
    • Round table with participants
    • Collection of observations and questions
  • Final test (5')
    • Learning assessment with quiz or questions
    • Collective correction
  • Conclusion (5')
    • Summary of key points
    • Thanks and food for thought


  • The outline is flexible and can be adapted to the time available and the type of presentation.
  • It is important to involve the audience and encourage participation.
  • The presentation should be concise and focused on key points.


  • Use engaging and easy-to-understand visual aids.
  • Modulate your tone of voice and gestures to keep attention alive.
  • Reserve time for questions and observations from the audience.

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