Saltar la navegación Session: Implementing Types of Blockchain Networks

Level: High

Blockchain Network Type in Real-life Scenarios (30 minutes)

  • Begin the session with a brief recap of the conclusions from the previous session.
  • Divide students into smaller groups. Each group gets four papers with blockchain types (e.g. Public Permissionless). Papers are divided between members of a group. In 2 minutes each member writes a potential real-life scenario for a type of blockchain network written on the paper. Sheets are rotated between students in a group until each has contributed to all types.
  • Based on the written examples encourage groups to discuss the proposed ideas. The students should also keep in mind if blockchain technology is really applicable to the written examples (using conclusions from the first module). They should mark examples in case they do not agree on which type of blockchain network is the most appropriate.
  • Instruct groups to highlight examples that they think are the best examples for each type.

Explaining and Visualizing Scenarios (30 minutes)

  • Instruct groups to prepare visual representations of their best examples for each type of blockchain network using simple diagrams or sketches.
  • For each example, students should explain who are involved entities and what are the relations between entities in the scenario.
  • Instruct groups to emphasize the rationale for the chosen blockchain type and its necessity. It should be in the form of a list of strong arguments.
  • Encourage groups to highlight any disadvantages of using the selected type of blockchain network in the proposed scenario.

Presenting Scenarios and Discussion (30 minutes)

  • Invite all groups to present their proposed examples for each of the blockchain network types.
  • After each presentation, the floor is open for questions and challenges from peers.
  • In case one group decides on a different type of blockchain network for a similar kind of scenario, the debate can be opened between two groups.
  • After presentations and discussions invite groups to share if they had some disagreements in the first phase of the session (marked examples). Open discussion about why they disagree and encourage others who were not a part of the group to share their opinion. Emphasize at the end of the discussion that in some scenarios there is not a single possible solution (different types of blockchain networks can be used in similar scenarios).
  • Provide a brief recap of the different types of blockchain networks and their applications. Remind students about the importance of understanding the underlying need and the implications of each blockchain type in real-world scenarios.

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