90 minutes ⇒ Level: High
FabLabs Course Session: Concept Generation
Key Components and Relations (30 minutes)
- Begin by reviewing the project scenario. Make a brief recap of the key points from the previous session.
- Divide students into small groups. Each group is tasked with creating a system diagram that includes all the essential components of the project. These components should include but not be limited to:
- the 3D printer enhanced with microcomputer for internet connectivity (blockchain network connectivity).
- the blockchain network
- smart contracts for handling transactions and triggering actions on the 3D printer
- customers and their interaction points with the system (e.g., interfaces for making orders)
- Any other relevant components identified by the students (e.g., a user interface for order customization, a monitoring system for the printing process).
- Each group presents its system diagram. Encourage a discussion on the different components identified and their relationships, highlighting any unique components or connections that groups have identified.
System Processes (30 minutes)
- Explain the importance of understanding the processes within the IIoT and blockchain systems. Highlight key processes such as transaction initiation, smart contract state changes, and the activation of the 3D printer.
- Using their system diagrams, groups will now identify and outline the main processes that occur between the entities in their systems. This includes:
- The process a customer goes through to place an order.
- How the order is registered on the blockchain and how payment is processed through smart contracts.
- The criteria for smart contract state changes that trigger the 3D printer to start manufacturing.
- Any feedback mechanisms or notifications to the customer upon completion.
- Groups share their process maps. Facilitate a discussion about how these processes interact with the components in their system diagrams and the flow of information and actions across the system.
Tools Selection (30 minutes)
- Provide an overview of the tools and technologies that will be used in the course for system implementation. ⇒ using slides (4.1-scenario_explanation.pptx)
- This should include:
- The Raspberry Pi and its role in controlling the 3D printer and connecting it to the internet.
- The Node.js JavaScript runtime environment that is used for building server-side and networking applications.
- The Octoprint web interface that allows control and monitoring of 3D printers.
- The local Ethereum blockchain network with smart contract functionality. The local blockchain network is established with Hardhat, an Ethereum development environment.
- The Solidity statically-typed programming language designed for developing smart contracts that run on the Ethereum blockchain network.
- The Ethers.js collection of libraries that enables interaction with a local or remote Ethereum network node.
- Offer a brief demonstration of each tool, showcasing basic functionalities and how they will be applied in the project. Provide sources of documentation for each of the presented tools.
- Allow time for students to ask questions about the tools and their upcoming use in the project.
- Conclude the session by encouraging students to join the next module in the course and to proceed with the work on the project.
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