Estes son algúns dos proxectos nos que colaboramos recentemente

Radiography4Future. (2024-2027)
This is an Erasmus+ project which aims to work on both developing an AI educational curriculum for European radiography professionals, lecturers and students, as well as to develop a set of of micro-credentials on artificial intelligence for radiography students, lecturers, and graduates.

The project focuses on experimentation on generative AI and its potential as a tool for educational purposes in adult creative writing, with a specific interest in its possibilities for improving the inclusion and accessibility of non-formal education among adults.

Project FabLabs ( aims to design and develop various strategies and training materials to support users of Digital Manufacturing Laboratories (known as Fablabs) as well as provide these resources to university and technological VET teachers to promote its use and future academic and work orientation, focusing on advanced technologies and resources, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G connectivity, […]

Educational Knowledge Transfer
The EKT project aims to improve European higher education and, in particular, the development and experimentation of collaborative educational methodologies and Smart technological framework that aims to impact on a more effective, scalable, sustainable system which is closely linked to the professional contexts for which we train. To do this, we rely on a strategic triangle configured by educational centres […]

Schools for 21st century
Schools21C é un proxecto educativo da UE que se centra na mellora da alfabetización audiovisual e dixital para estudantes e profesores de ensino secundario. Obxectivos do proxecto: 1. Aumentar a calidade da educación e da formación, combinando altos niveis de excelencia e atractivo de xeito inclusivo para todos os estudantes, incluídos os que están en desvantaxe mediante o uso de […]

O proxecto Ocean Connections busca experimentar con tecnoloxías interactivas de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada e pedagoxías dialóxicas para mellorar o coñecemento sobre o mundo mariño entre os estudiantes de primaria e secundaria. Os seus obxectivos principais son: – o uso de pedagoxías creativas e realidade aumentada / virtual para involucrar áos xoves no coñecemento sobre o mundo mariño – Explorar […]

Create your future
The Create Your Future Conference took place on 7th of September and brought together HR Managers, Employers and Suvivors in order to make a step further to a better understanding of late effects of childhood cancer and how they might or might not interfere with their performance at the workplace. Visit website

Rural School Cloud
The Cloud Computing for School Networking and Learning project aims to improve the quality of learning and teaching in small rural / dispersed schools in Europe, by exploring, adapting and improving several innovative European ICT based methodologies, that allow to respond to the different needs that teachers face when designing their classes, as well as in improving their professional competences. Visit website

This project developed, shared and tested high quality blended work based delivery models over a three year period (September 2018). Three of the partners were colleges who worked together to improve their model of work based learning by adopting and sharing innovative best practice. CESGA worked as expert in the application of learning technologies, supporting the innovative application of learning […]