The project focuses on experimentation on generative AI and its potential as a tool for educational purposes in adult creative writing, with a specific interest in its possibilities for improving the inclusion and accessibility of non-formal education among adults.
WrAIte “Creative writing with AI. Methodologies and approaches for implementing digital and AI-assisted creative writing in adult education”
Code: (2024-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000255667)
Dates: Nov 1st 2024 – April 30th 227
Goals of the project
wrAIte strives to achieve four central objectives:
- (1) Explore the potential and limitations of AI as a tool in creative writing for adult learners.
- (2) Expand the knowledge and skills of adult educators regarding the use of innovative digital tools
- (3) Enable adult educators to include AI-assisted creative writing in their educational portfolio.
- (4) Promote AI assisted creative writing as a means to strengthen learners’ capacity of self-expression, digital competence and creative powers.
wrAIte will create 4 main results:
- A publication, “Creative Writing goes AI”, exploring the opportunities and challenges of AI-assisted creative writing.
- An online training for adult educators, providing the knowledge and skills to implement AI-assisted creative writing processes.
- A digital writing space for supporting AI-assisted creative writing processes in adult education.
- An outreach campaign, including social media content and a creative experimentation phase.
The project has institutions from 5 countries:
- Die Berater(Austria) coordinators
- VIA University College (Denmark)
- Kentro Merimnas Oikogeneias kai Paidiou (Greece)
- Galicia Supercomputing Center (Spain)
- Syncnify (France)
CESGA has, among other tasks, the responsibility of designing and proposing a writing platform supported by AI for the development of pilot activities, adapted to the requirements of the research team and the needs of the end users of this project.