Project FabLabs (https://fabs-erasmus.eu) aims to design and develop various strategies and training materials to support users of Digital Manufacturing Laboratories (known as Fablabs) as well as provide these resources to university and technological VET teachers to promote its use and future academic and work orientation, focusing on advanced technologies and resources, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G connectivity, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Blockchain among others.
Once these contents have been created, they will be validated in a series of pilot courses, with a hybrid (or blended) modality where their suitability as well as the work methodology designed for those in practice will be checked. Finally, the results will be accessible to all interested institutions in the form of a ToolKit of open teaching material for teachers.
Within this project, CESGA’s role focuses on the design of learning materials related to Artificial Intelligence and Bigdata, and on the design and publication of the teaching material Toolkit, in addition to providing support in the state-of-the-art analysis phases. on the IoT and in the test courses to verify the usefulness, relevance and effectiveness of the materials designed by the European project consortium.
The FabLabs project lasts 3 years and is led by the University of Ljubljana. CESGA and the School of Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Vigo participate from Galicia. In addition, it has Portuguese partners (CATIM – CENTRO DE APOIO TECNOLOGICO A INDUSTRIA METALOMECANICA), German (the Institute of Production and Logistics of the University of Bremen), and Italian (T2I – TRASFERIMENTO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE, of the Chamber of the Venice region).