CESGA’s e-learning area is responsible for promoting and managing R&D&I projects in the area of e-Learning and e-Collaboration, promoting the integration of ICT in educational institutions and participating in initiatives and projects with industry, universities and other institutions.
Bett 2025
Greetings, educators and technology enthusiasts! In our ongoing commitment to staying at the forefront of educational innovation, we had the privilege of attending the Bett 2025 fair in London, the world’s leading event for education technology. What is Bett? Bett is much more than a fair; it’s a global meeting point where educators, technology leaders, and visionaries gather to discover […]
FabLabs Meeting at Porto
From February 3rd to 6th, we had the opportunity to participate in a productive meeting in Porto as part of our project Fablabs. The meeting took place at CATIM’s facilities, where we enjoyed an excellent working atmosphere and impeccable hospitality from our hosts. During these days, we made significant progress in various aspects of the project. We conducted a “Train […]
A new EU project begins: Radiography4Future
In December 2024, we began working on the European educational project Radiography4Future (KA220-HED-815CAAB1) “Lifelong learning among radiographers on artificial intelligence”, focused on the development of a series of courses, based on EU standardized micro-credentials, that help radiographers learn about the new tools that artificial intelligence brings to their field of application. The project has institutions from 4 countries (Denmark, Norway, […]
CESGA in Edutec24 Conference
Last 20th to 22nd of November we participated in the International Congress of Educational Technology Edutec24 “Educational Technology for a multimodal society”. At the congress we presented two communications, one on the European project WrAIte “Creative writing with AI. Methodologies and approaches for implementing digital and AI-assisted creative writing in adult education” as well as on the development of the […]
European WrAIte project begins
In November 2024, we begin to work on the European educational project WrAIte (2024-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000255667) “Creative writing with AI. Methodologies and approaches for implementing digital and AI-assisted creative writing in adult education“. It focuses on experimentation on generative AI and its potential as a tool for educational purposes in adult creative writing, with a specific interest in its possibilities for improving […]
Field tests of the eInnoEduCO2 project
Last April 1st, the first field observation pilot was held in the area of Testal, Noia. Two groups of high school students from the participating high schools in Outes and Noia, accompanied by their teachers, have been taking samples and collecting data on the situation of seagrass in the different tidal areas. During these tests, the data collection app developed […]
Informative conference on the OCEANS Project
Yesterday we celebrated a Multiplier event addressed to those interested in ICT and education, teachers, educators, educator policy advisers, etc. related with our European Ocean Connections Project. The Oceans project aims to explore the possibilities of digital tools (specifically Virtual and Augmented Reality) and dialogic and creative pedagogies for improving ocean literacy skills in primary and secondary school classrooms. Over […]