EKT Final Conference
On April 13th 2023 we held the final conference of our European project EKT (Educational Knowledge Transfer), at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
More than 200 people participated both online and in person in the conference, where different members of the European consortium of this Knowledge Alliance presented the different parts of the project. From CESGA, as technological coordinator, we presented the platform we developed, mainly in collaboration with the other two technological institutions participant: BeezNest and LusoInfo. EKT platform was received with great enthusiasm by administrations, educational authorities and different users who shared their experience with it that day.
In the afternoon, different workshops were held to give a more detailed view of the different parts of the application and its possibilities of use: management, learning analytics, content generation, etc.

Lois Orosa, executive manager of CESGA,participated in the opening of the day, accompanying the rest of the authorities. In the photo, with Dr. Beatriz Cebreiro, IP of the TecnoEduc research group, coordinators of the project, and the General Director of Universities of the Galician Ministry of Education, J. Alberto Díez de Castro.