XIII Girls in ICT Day

April 24, 2025, is International Girls in ICT Day, and as we have since 2013, we’re celebrating it at the Galicia Supercomputing Center (CESGA)!
We’ll have many activities that day!
In the morning, we’ll hold a colloquium via web multi-conference featuring 4 Galician professionals who work daily with technology. They will share their career paths, what they work on, and how technology can contribute to various fields to improve everyone’s lives in an engaging and detailed manner. From primary and secondary schools, girls and boys will be able to send their questions and concerns live in direct dialogue with them.
Don’t know what International Girls in ICT Day is? It’s an international celebration aimed at motivating new generations of girls to consider the field of ICT for their academic, research, and professional development. Here’s all the information on the international movement.
To learn more about what CESGA (Galicia Supercomputing Center) and supercomputing are, watch this video.
Participants in the XIII Girls in ICT Day Talk 2025
In this XIII edition, we will have the honor of featuring:

Marta Losada Estévez: Graduate in Physics from USC and our colleague at CESGA. In her third year of college, she did an internship at CESGA, where she first came into contact with the concept of “quantum computing.” Since then, she has continued her training in the field with her Bachelor’s thesis and in the Master’s in Quantum Information Science and Technologies from USC. She is currently part of a group that is developing a distributed quantum computing simulator, a job she combines with her master’s studies. With her Master’s thesis, she intends to study the implementation of distributed quantum computing for variational circuits and hopes to continue researching in this line in the future.
Yolanda Blanco Fernández: Doctor in Telecommunication Engineering and tenured professor in the Department of Telematic Engineering at the University of Vigo (UVigo). She works as a researcher at atlanTTic, the Telecommunication Technologies Center of UVigo, where she served as deputy director until assuming her current position as director of the Digitalization Area of this university. 1 Her research activity includes personalization and recommendation systems (user modeling techniques and filtering strategies), Semantic Web, development of services and applications for mobile ad-hoc networks and, more recently, in the field of Artificial Intelligence, she is focused on the use of Deep Learning models based on Transformer architectures for natural language processing in different application domains.

Nadezhda Lucía Techera Salvador: Student of the Aerospace Engineering degree at the University of Vigo and part of the Aerodynamics department in the UVigo Motorsport association, the only Galician team in “Formula Student,” an automotive competition between students from universities around the world that promotes excellence in engineering through a car competition where each university team designs and builds a single-seater vehicle with which they later compete.
Alejandra Lugilde (Simbeli en RRSS), is a 29-year-old computer engineer specializing in artificial intelligence, graduated from the Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2017. She has extensive experience in software development, solution architecture, and leadership of technological projects, excelling in the modernization of cloud platforms and the optimization of technical teams. Currently, she plays two key roles: as Global GSC Practice Lead, she directs the strategy and improvement of team work processes globally within her department, driving efficiency and solving technical and organizational challenges; and as a Technical Architect, she leads highly complex cloud projects.
Outside the technological field, Alejandra is also known on social media as Simbeli_, where she has amassed more than 3 million followers on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. On these channels, Alejandra uses creativity and communication skills to create humor content, but she also uses them in her daily professional approach, seeking innovation and efficiency in every project she leads.

Participants list
To be determined
You can follow and share all the event information and our activities on this website or on:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICTGoGirls
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ICTGoGirls
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaYnwE2ZurwETyjAShB6_XNmWYnHQycAf
Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (dependente de GAIN e CSIC), Secretaría Xeral de Igualdade da Xunta de Galicia, Colexio Profesional de Enxeñaría Informática (CPEIG) e coa colaboración do CITIUS (Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes).
Xunta de Galicia: (Consellería de Educación, Ciencia, Universidades e FP e a AMTEGA); Asociación de Mulleres Investigadoras e Tecnólogas, sección Galicia (AMIT-Gal); Asociación .GAL; USC (Facultade de Ciencias da Educación, Woman Emprende e Oficina de Igualdade); Facultade de Informática da UDC; Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación da UVigo; Colectivos Hello Sisters! e GalsTech