
Educational Knowledge Transfer, a new EU project, starts next week

CESGA participates next week in the kick-off meeting of another European project “Improving Educational innovation, competitiveness and quality of higher education through collaboration between University and Companies. (Educational Knowledge Transfer) », It is coordinated by the Educational Technology Group of the Faculty of Education of the USC, brings together 11 institutions from 7 European countries for three years. The call […]

First EKT newsletter released

A few days ago the first newsletter of the EKT (Educational Knowledge Transfer) project, in which we participated, was published. This bulletin explains in broad strokes what the platform being designed consists of, in addition to the challenges and objectives pursued by the project. We leave it here so you can check it out.

eInnoEduCO2 kick-off meeting

Next June 3rd, the kick-off meeting of the European InnoEduCO2 project “School science e-learning ONE HEALTH will be held in Outes (Coruña, Spain). CESGA participates in this project as a technological partner, under the coordination of the Council of Outes, and the participation of the Education Faculty of the University of Santiago de Compostela. This consortium has the participation of […]

Schools21C project meeting in Italy

On September 23 and 24, we held a consortium meeting -posted due to the pandemic- in Pagani, Italy, after which the contents and results of two training courses were reviewed for the media competencies of European teachers. O CESGA made a presentation of the APP for the self-evaluation of these competences, based on the European framework of DigiCompEdu (European Framework […]

Last Schols21C project meeting in Barcelos

Today and tomorrow we hold a meeting of the European project Schools for 21st Century at the Agrupamento Escolar de Barcelos. During the meeting we will work on the final results of the project, and the activities developed by the centers in four participating countries: Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain. The activities were aimed at media training for teachers and […]

New scientific article published. EKT project

Last December 21, a scientific article was published in which both the CESGA e-learning area and the USC Educational Technology group participated. It was published in Sustainability journal, from MDPI Open Access journals. The title of the article is “Adaptive Learning Supported by Learning Analytics for Student Teachers’ Personalized Training during in-School Practices” and can be consulted at the following […]

New E-portfolio feature in Chamilo thanks to EKT project

The European EKT project in which CESGA works in collaboration with 10 other institutions, under the coordination of the USC Educational Technology Group, is developing a methodology and platform to improve communication processes, collaborative work and self-reflection on learning directed to facilitate the in-school placement process of future teachers. CESGA leads the coordination and technological development of the EKT platform, […]

EKT Final Conference

On April 13th 2023 we held the final conference of our European project EKT (Educational Knowledge Transfer), at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela. More than 200 people participated both online and in person in the conference, where different members of the European consortium of this Knowledge Alliance presented the different parts of the […]