CESGA in Edutec24 Conference

Last 20th to 22nd of November we participated in the International Congress of Educational Technology Edutec24 “Educational Technology for a multimodal society”. At the congress we presented two communications, one on the European project WrAIte “Creative writing with AI. Methodologies and approaches for implementing digital and AI-assisted creative writing in adult education” as well as on the development of the […]

European WrAIte project begins

In November 2024, we begin to work on the European educational project WrAIte (2024-1-AT01-KA220-ADU-000255667) “Creative writing with AI. Methodologies and approaches for implementing digital and AI-assisted creative writing in adult education“. It focuses on experimentation on generative AI and its potential as a tool for educational purposes in adult creative writing, with a specific interest in its possibilities for improving […]

EKT Final Conference

On April 13th 2023 we held the final conference of our European project EKT (Educational Knowledge Transfer), at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela. More than 200 people participated both online and in person in the conference, where different members of the European consortium of this Knowledge Alliance presented the different parts of the […]