Oceans project kick-off meeting
Last week we went to Exeter to work in a new collaborative Erasmus+ project with partners from UK and Denmark: “Ocean Connections: Developing Ocean Literacy through Creative Digital Pedagogies“, coordinated by Exeter University. Three partners come from Galicia, Spain: CESGA, Aquarium Finisterrae from Coruña, and school CPI O Cruce, from Cerceda.

Oceans project officially started last October, and will be active until the end of June 2021 .
Oceans project will produce the following outputs:
1. A State-of-the-Art review of Ocean Literacy, creative pedagogies in science education and the use or AR/VR tools to support science education, synthesised to produce a teaching framework for creative, digital approaches to teaching Ocean Literacy
2. AR/VR tools for use with the teaching framework, linked to the three aquaria, piloted by schools/aquaria partnerships between Nov ’19 and July ’20.
3. An OCEANS toolkit, consisting of the teaching framework, AR/VR tools, and 6 sets of evaluated teaching materials using creative pedagogical approaches with AR/VR tools for teaching Ocean Literacy, based on the pilot projects