European WrAIte project begins

European WrAIte project begins

In November 2024, we begin to work on the European educational project WrAIte (2024-1-AT01-
KA220-ADU-000255667) “Creative writing with AI. Methodologies and approaches for implementing digital and AI-assisted creative writing in adult education“.

It focuses on experimentation on generative AI and its potential as a tool for educational purposes in adult creative writing, with a specific interest in its possibilities for improving the inclusion and accessibility of non-formal education among adults.

The project has institutions from 5 countries (Austria, Denmark, Greece, France and Spain) under the coordination of Die Berater (Austria).

CESGA has, among other tasks, the responsibility of designing and proposing a writing platform supported by AI for the development of pilot activities, adapted to the requirements of the research team and the needs of the end users of this project.

WrAIte lasts for 30 months, until the end of March 2027.

If you are interested in participating, please contact us!