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3.5 Regularization Techniques

Introducton to Regularization Techniques

Welcome to the Regularization Techniques. In this section, we’ll explore some key techniques used in deep learning to prevent overfitting, improve generalization, and stabilize the training process. Regularization helps our models perform better on unseen data by reducing the likelihood that they memorize the training data.


Let's start with Dropout.

Dropout is a simple yet powerful regularization technique. It randomly drops a fraction of neurons during each training step. By dropping neurons, we force the model to learn redundant representations, making it less likely to rely on any single neuron or feature. This, in turn, improves the network's robustness and generalization.

Example of Dropout:

Let’s add Dropout to a neural network using TensorFlow:

from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout

# Define a simple model with dropout
model = Sequential([
    Dense(128, activation='relu', input_shape=(784,)),
    Dropout(0.5),  # Dropout layer with a rate of 0.5
    Dense(64, activation='relu'),
    Dense(10, activation='softmax')

# Compile the model
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

In this code, we apply dropout with a rate of 0.5, which means 50% of neurons will be randomly deactivated during each training pass. Dropout is typically used in fully connected layers, and you can experiment with different dropout rates to find the one that works best for your model.

Batch Normalization

Next, we have Batch Normalization.

Batch Normalization is a technique that normalizes the inputs of each layer in a neural network. By keeping the inputs of each layer within a stable range, batch normalization helps to speed up training, improve performance, and stabilize the network. It does this by reducing the problem of internal covariate shift, where the distribution of inputs to a layer changes during training.

Batch normalization also acts as a form of regularization. By adding a bit of noise to each layer’s inputs, it prevents the network from becoming overly reliant on certain patterns in the data.

Example of Batch Normalization:

Let's add batch normalization to a neural network:

from tensorflow.keras.layers import BatchNormalization

# Define a model with batch normalization
model = Sequential([
    Dense(128, activation='relu', input_shape=(784,)),
    Dense(64, activation='relu'),
    Dense(10, activation='softmax')

# Compile the model
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

In this example, we add batch normalization after each dense layer. Batch normalization helps the model learn more quickly by keeping the activation values stable across layers. It’s especially useful in deep networks where the inputs to each layer can vary significantly during training.

Early Stopping

Finally, let's discuss Early Stopping.

Early Stopping is a technique that monitors the model’s performance on a validation set during training. If the performance stops improving after a certain number of epochs, training is halted to prevent overfitting. This method is useful because it allows us to stop training as soon as the model has learned the most it can from the training data, without overfitting.

Example of Early Stopping:

Let’s use Early Stopping in our training process:

from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping

# Define the Early Stopping callback
early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=5, restore_best_weights=True)

# Train the model with early stopping
history =, y_train, epochs=50, validation_data=(X_val, y_val), callbacks=[early_stopping])

In this code, we create an EarlyStopping callback that monitors the validation loss. The patience parameter is set to 5, which means that if the validation loss does not improve for 5 consecutive epochs, training will stop. The restore_best_weights=True parameter ensures that the model will revert to the best-performing weights from the training session.


To summarize, in this section, we covered three popular regularization techniques:

  1. Dropout: Prevents over-reliance on specific neurons by randomly deactivating a fraction of them during training.
  2. Batch Normalization: Normalizes inputs within layers to stabilize and speed up training while adding a regularization effect.
  3. Early Stopping: Halts training when performance on the validation set stops improving, preventing overfitting.

Each of these techniques has its own strengths and can be combined in a single model to improve performance and reduce overfitting.


Below, you have a link to the Jupyter/Colab notebook where you can practice the theory from this section:

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